There are many athletic traits that make a great fighter and grappler. Ideally there is a balance of skill, athleticism and mental strength. Often crappy programming (focused on high volume, generic movement patterns) trying to do too much in one session results in deterioration of skill, reduced performance and a drop in confidence.

The specific focus today is Absolute Strength. There are many facets of strength but as stated by Charles Staley, 1 repetition max is one of the the best indicators of a person's athleticism.

Brazilian jui jitsu requires whole body strength, not only to control an opponent but also to support joints under the dynamic strain of regular training and the stress of competition. The following exercises are the foundation upon which a great grappler is built. After 4 weeks of this training at this rep range the program will build and evolve to include harder moves to keep you improving.
1) One legged Dead lift – This exercise is fantastic for ankle, knee and hip stability. It really targets the hamstrings, glutes and muscles of the lower back. This wil enhance your stand up, balance and passing game by improving your base to make you sweep resistant.

2) Weighted Pull up – Tough on the grip, shoulders and back this is ideal for grapplers. It will give you the strength from guard or standing to win the arm and control your opponent. This exercise builds the upper body power need to succeed.

3) Weighted Pistol- The most challenging squat you’ll ever do. Amazing for developing total leg strength, powerful hips and rock solid posture. Start without weight but once you can safely complete 10reps then add weight for a challenge. It gives you power for take downs, a stronger guard and better movement on the ground.

4) Turkish Getup - Designed by Turkish wrestlers, this move strengthens everything. The single best exercise for grapplers, once you master this technique everyone will struggle to keep you down. Make sure this is performed in a slow and controlled manner, always keeping your attention on the bell.

Perform each of these exercises in this order for 5 sets of 3 reps. Once this format starts to become familiar and your confidence with each move develops try super-setting exercise 1&2 as well as 3&4 without resting in between the two movements.

Always rest for a minimum of 2mins between sets to ensure quality of movement for each rep. Lift heavy and enjoy the rewards. Stay Rolling – Tenacity.