Strength Training for Speed Gains

Speed is one of the most sought after qualities in sport. It
is often the game changer in pivotal moments with faster soccer athletes even
being shown to score more frequently (1). There is a long held belief among
many coaches that speed is mainly a genetic quality that an athlete simply is
or isn't blessed with. These beliefs have led to the prioritisation of recruiting
and trading for speed rather than training for it. Whilst there is definitely truth
to the genetic argument, with a well structured program incorporating sprints, jumps
and weightlifting, any athlete has the ability to improve their speed. This
article will focus on what athletes can do to successfully transfer their strength
gains in the gym to speed gains on the field.

Whilst general strength training builds the foundations from
which speed is developed, it would be a mistake to limit ourselves to maximal
strength development in general movements such as the back squat. Acceleration
and max velocity have been shown to be separate qualities requiring different
training focuses highlighting the importance of other strength qualities such
as elasticity and speed-strength in increasing the transferability of work in
the weight room to speed in competition. For example, in elite soccer athletes,
a half squat 1RM has been shown to be highly correlated with acceleration over
0-10m sprints displaying the importance of force in acceleration (2). In
contrast, maximal sprinting speed has a relationship with movements utilising
the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) such as a counter-movement jump (CMJ) (3). Strength
qualities consistently shown to determine sprinting ability include force, RFD,
power and impulse (4). As a result, these qualities are prioritised in programs
aiming to increase speed.


Acceleration typically covers the first 0-10 metres of a
sprint. This phase is characterised by a forward lean, positive shin angle, large
horizontal propulsive forces and a longer stance phase when compared to maximal
velocity (5). The initial steps in acceleration involve an explosive extension
through the hips, knees and ankles with the quadriceps and gluteal muscles working
as the main accelerators (5). The longer stance phase during acceleration
indicates lower utilisation of the SSC and an increased reliabilitlity on force
production and rate of force development. Taking the above into account, a complimentary
strength program during an acceleration phase should incorporate movements to
increase relative strength with an emphasis on the quadriceps  (E.g. back squats, split squats and lunge
variations) and increase rate of force development through triple extension
(E.g. loaded jumps, olympic lifts, med ball throws and sled sprints)

Maximal velocity

Maximal velocity is typically characterised by an upright
posture, lower degrees of knee and trunk flexion, shorter propulsion and stance
phases in comparison to acceleration and a higher reliance on the hamstrings. The
shorter propulsion phases during maximal velocity sprinting indicate a greater
reliance on the SSC with reactive strength index, leg spring stiffness and
relative force generated within 100ms  shown
to be related to maximal sprinting velocity (6). Taking into account the smaller
joint angles and increased reliance on the SSC during maximal velocity
sprinting, a complimentary strength program should develop strength rate of
force development through a reduced range of motion (e.g. half squats, partial Olympic
lifts and loaded jumps) and increase lower limb stiffness (e.g. plyometrics, bounds
and skips). At maximal velocities the hamstrings utilise the SSC with elastic
energy stored during the lengthening phase released upon ground contact (7). This
involves a large eccentric contraction followed by a short but intense
isometric contraction and finally a concentric contraction. It is suggested
that this lengthening phase presents the highest risk for hamstring strain. To
prepare the hamstrings for the rigours of sprinting it is recommended to increase
force absorption with an emphasis on eccentric and isometric work at length and
both slow velocity (E.g. Romanian Deadlift, Nordic, etc.) and fast velocities (Tantrums,
hip extension drop-catches, etc.).

Putting it all together

One of the main points to take away from this article is that acceleration and max velocity are separate qualities requiring different training focuses. When planning a program it is important to implement loading and progression strategies that allow the athlete to develop whilst reducing risk of injury. The short-to-long approach is one method of speed development which compliments traditional weightlifting progressions. In this approach athletes begin with shorter distances with an emphasis on acceleration ability before gradually increasing distances and incorporating maximal velocity work. The figure below from Dan Lewindon and David Joyce’s High performance training for sport (chapter 10 from Derek Hansen) explains the interplay of weightlifting and sprinting throughout a periodised training plan (8).

Throughout the initial acceleration phase, sprinting volume
is low so a larger volume of work can be spent on strength and power
development through traditional methods such as full depth back squats and
Olympic lifts from the floor. Throughout this phase athletes should prepare for
the upcoming max velocity phase by completing higher volumes of low intensity
plyometrics as well as eccentric and isometric hamstring strengthening
exercises. As athletes enter max velocity phases of training, volume and
distance of speed work is increased and volume of weightlifting is reduced. Training
methods that emphasise elasticity and velocity of movement are favoured.

1 – Faude, O., Koch, T., & Meyer, T. (2012). Straight
sprinting is the most frequent action in goal situations in professional
football. Journal of sports sciences30(7), 625-631.

2-Wisløff , U., Castagna, C., Helgerud, J., Jones, R., &
Hoff, J. (2004). Strong correlation of maximal squat strength with sprint
performance and vertical jump height in elite soccer players. British
journal of sports medicine
38(3), 285-288.

3- Young, Warren, Mc Lean, Brian, & Ardagna, James.
(1995). Relationship between strength qualities and sprinting
performance. Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness35(1),

4- Triplett, N. T., Erickson, T. M., & McBride, J. M.
(2012). Power associations with running speed. Strength &
Conditioning Journal
34(6), 29-33.

5- Cronin, J., & Hansen, K. T. (2006). Resisted sprint
training for the acceleration phase of sprinting. Strength and
conditioning Journal
28(4), 42.

6 - Cunningham, D., West, D., Owen, N., Shearer, D., Finn,
C., Bracken, R., ... & Kilduff, L. (2016). Strength and power predictors of
sprinting performance in professional rugby players.

7 - Schache, A. G., Dorn, T. W., Blanch, P. D., Brown, N. A.,
& Pandy, M. G. (2012). Mechanics of the human hamstring muscles during
sprinting. Medicine & science in sports & exercise44(4),

8 - Joyce, D., & Lewindon, D. (2014). High-performance
training for sports
. Leeds: Human Kinetics.