Aquabags and slosh balls work in a simular way, the sloshing water is the resistance and creates a destabilising force. The more you fill it, the heavier and more stable it is, but if you fill it to around half capacity the destabilising force will be at it strongest.

Slosh balls come in small, medium and large. The small slosh balls can be used like medicine balls and the large ones are more like sandbags or mini atlas stone and the middle one can go either way. There spherical shape will enable you to perform a wide range of exercise that you can’t with normal exercise tools.

Look at these examples

The aqua bags have a cylindrical come into different sizes. They have handles which allows you to perform exercise you can’t do with the slosh ball.

Look at these examples

Try performing as many rounds of any of these exercises for 15-20 minutes.

Slosh BallsAqua Bags