Tornado Ball Training

Tornado Ball Jumping 180 Slams


  • Full body power exercise that works balance and coordination.
  • Works explosive extension of the ankles, knees and hips, as well as midline stabilisation, arms, grip, shoulders and back.
  • Great variation of the sledgehammer exercise, without needing a tire or a sledgehammer


  • Ensure you use the rope wrap technique around the wrist, to secure the rope around the hand and prevent slippage. Clutch both hands together around the rope. Tadacip for sex
  • In a tall, shoulder width stance, swing the tornado ball backwards and around one side of the body, in a full and complete arc.
  • Allow the arms to come up above the head, and swing the ball hard into the ground, aim to bounce the ball vertically and not toward the body.
  • The first few bounces are very important to generate the necessary speed and power for continuing the jump.
  • As the ball bounces extend your arms upward as you rise and begin to jump.
  • Turn your head in the direction you wish to turn continuing to bring the arms up and above you.
  • Turn a full 180 degrees, aiming to spot the ground directly behind you.
  • As you start to descend from the jump and turn, chop the arms powerfully down ward.
  • Land as lightly as you can, pulling forcefully downward and slamming the ball hard into the ground
  • Aim to land in a strong partial squat position, with good strong alignment.
  • Bounce the ball vertically and continue into the next rep.

Tech Points

  • Breathe in as you jump up, and out with the slam.
  • Practise side to side slams before moving to this variation.
  • Direct the bounce of the ball with your arms, avoid pulling the arms toward the body as you slam.

Tornado Ball Side to Side Slams


  • Full body, rotational split stance power exercise.
  • Great regression to the 180 split jump slam.


  • Ensure you use the rope wrap technique around the wrist, to secure the rope around the hand and prevent slippage. Clutch both hands together around the rope.
  • Stand tall in a wider than shoulder width stance.
  • Swing the ball in a large arc, away from the direction you wish to slam. Get Valium online
  • Rotate through the hips and pivot on the balls of the feet, bring the arms around and explosively downwards.
  • Drop into a split stance, slamming the ball hard into the ground.
  • Time the bounce, so you rise with the ball, bringing the arms up above the head.
  • Direct the ball upward, as you rotate through the hips, pivoting in the opposite direction on the balls of the feet.
  • Continue to pivot, pulling the ball through and downward.
  • Pull explosively downward, dropping into another split stance, aiming to slam the ball hard on the opposite side.
  • Continue into the next repetition.

Tech Points

  • Breathe in as you rise, and out as you slam.
  • By popping a small jump as you rise and pivot, will make it easier to move from side to side.
  • Aim to land with good alignment in a strong stance.
  • The harder the slam, the higher the bounce and the easier the turn.

Tornado Ball Stepping Squat Slam


  • Rhythmical full body power exercise that works the posterior chain, midline stabilisation, and lower body as well as the arms, grip, shoulders and back.
  • Great variation of the sledgehammer tire slam, without needing a tire or a sledgehammer.


  • Ensure you use the rope wrap technique around the wrist, to secure the rope around the hand and prevent slippage. Clutch both hands together around the rope.
  • If the rope is around the left wrist, you will be turning to your right, and vice versa.
  • Start in a tall, wider than shoulder width stance.
  • Swing the ball in a full arc away from the direction of the slam.
  • Allow the arms to move upward and over the head, as you step around 90 degrees.
  • Pull sharply downward, dropping into a hinge or deadlift stance, as you slam the ball downward and hard into the ground.
  • Time the bounce, so you step back into you original stance as the ball reaches the peak of its bounce.
  • Swing the ball backwards and in front of the body, in a full and complete arc.
  • Continue to swing the ball around, and repeat for another repetition.

Tech Points

  • Aim to bounce the ball vertically, and not toward the body.
  • Timing is everything, time the bounce, time the turn and time the swing.
  • Keep a strong alignment when slamming the ball.
  • Remember to work and turn on both sides of the body.

Tornado Ball Stepping Lunge Slam


  • This is a progression of the stepping squat slam.
  • Rhythmical full body power exercise that asymmetrically loads the hips as you step in and out of a lunge pattern.


  • Set yourself up the same as per the stepping squat slam.
  • Swing the ball in a full arc away from the direction of the slam.
  • Allow the arms to move upward and over the head, as you step around 90 degrees.
  • Continue to step through and into a lunge.
  • Whichever hand the rope is wrapped around, that will be the same side leg that lunges forward.
  • Pull sharply downward, dropping into a split stance, as you slam the ball downward and hard into the ground.
  • Aim to step and slam.
  • Time the bounce, so you step off the front leg, and back into your original stance as the ball reaches the peak of its bounce.
  • Allow the ball to swing backwards and in front of the body, once again in a full and complete arc.
  • Continue to swing the ball around, and repeat for another repetition.

Tech Points

  • Aim to bounce the ball vertically, and not toward the body.
  • Timing is everything, time the bounce, time the turn and time the swing.
  • Keep a strong alignment when slamming the ball.
  • Continue stepping on the same leg. Repeat by changing sides, both hand and stepping leg.